Ep. 6 | Teething Pain & Baby Sleep

podcast Apr 17, 2024
Cozy Baby Sleep
Ep. 6 | Teething Pain & Baby Sleep


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Let’s dive into a topic that every parent faces with a mix of dread and determination: teething. We will get into remedies, realistic expectations, and how to maintain that precious sleep schedule.


Understanding Teething: The Basics

It's hard to watch your little one in pain, especially when it disrupts the peaceful sanctuary of bedtime. Teething can certainly cast a shadow over sleep, despite what some might argue. Before a tooth erupts, discomfort begins about four days in advance, often affecting sleep patterns. Yet, it's reassuring to know that the tumultuous teething periods are often brief, even if they might seem endless at the moment.


Spotting Real Symptoms vs. Myths

With so much hearsay, it's crucial to recognize genuine signs of teething, such as drooling, swollen gums, and, understandably, a fussy baby. Meanwhile, fever, diarrhea, and, surprising to some, excessive crying, aren't necessarily teething indicators and warrant a check-up to rule out other issues.


Practical Tips for Teething Relief

When teeth are on the horizon, arm yourself with practical measures like a chilled (not frozen) washcloth which can bring comfort. Pain relief medication, like Tylenol or Motrin, should be considered after consulting your pediatrician. And never underestimate the power of 'cuddle therapy'! I just love that term!

However, teething jewelry and over-the-counter gels often do more harm than good. These remedies not only lack scientific support, but they also pose potential health risks. As well as the teething rings with liquid in them that are meant to be frozen. There is a risk of little teeth piercing the ring, and we are not certain what those liquids contain. It's best to stick to safer, more effective alternatives.


Maintaining Sleep During Teething

While it's easier said than done, keeping a consistent sleep routine is key. Ensure a calm environment and perhaps adjust your nighttime strategy by giving extra cuddles or a pain soother 30 minutes before bed. Most importantly, once the teething episode passes, swiftly return to your regular sleep routine to prevent prolonged disruptions.

Remember, every child's teething experience is unique, and your parental instincts are invaluable throughout this journey. With a dash of patience and the right approach, you and your baby can weather the teething storm together.




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Have you ever stressed out over your baby or toddler's sleep? Are you tired of feeling like you are doing everything wrong?

Well you're in the right place. In this podcast you will not only learn tangible tips and tricks to help your little one sleep better, but also how to do it with balance and confidence in yourself as the parent.

Hi! I'm Alice, Mum of 2 and certified sleep consultant. My sleep philosophy revolves around safe, loving, and research based sleep techniques while also holding space for real life.

This is a zero judgment community of moms who want to get the best sleep for the whole family, in a way that makes them feel good!

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