Ep. 11 | Split Nights (Looong night wakings) and how to help!
Jun 26, 2024
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Nighttime parenting can often feel like a test of endurance, with one of the trickiest challenges being "split nights," also known as long night wakings. Split nights aren't just a quick midnight feed; they are prolonged wakeful periods when your baby is ready to play or cry while you're desperate for sleep. This podcast episode dissects the causes of split nights and offers practical solutions to help both you and your baby get back to a peaceful night's rest.
Understanding Split Nights
A split night refers to the phenomenon where a baby wakes up in the middle of the night and remains awake for an extended period, often ranging from one to three hours. Unlike typical night wakings that might involve a quick feed and a soothing back to sleep, split nights disrupt the entire household and can be deeply exhausting for parents.
Why Split Nights Happen
One reason for split nights could be an imbalance in sleep pressure, which accumulates across your baby's waking hours to make them sleepy at night. Consolidated sleep is primarily governed by your baby's circadian rhythm and sufficient sleep pressure. Several culprits can disrupt this balance:
- Under Tiredness
If your baby is getting too much sleep during the day or their nap times are too lengthy, they may not accumulate enough sleep pressure to last through the night. Babies in this situation are usually wide-eyed, alert, and happy during their prolonged wakings.
- Over Tiredness
The opposite scenario can also cause split nights. Insufficient daytime napping or a very late bedtime can lead to elevated cortisol levels, making it hard for your baby to fall and stay asleep at night. Babies who are over tired tend to be cranky and harder to console during these wakeful periods.
- Developmental Progressions
Sleep regressions linked to significant developmental milestones can also contribute to split nights. Babies may wake up to practice new skills like rolling, sitting, or standing, which, while exciting for them, is exhausting for parents.
- Early Bedtimes Due to Chronic Short Naps
Short naps that lead to consistently early bedtimes may reprogram your baby's circadian rhythm, paving the way for early morning wake-ups or split nights. Ideally, bedtime should generally fall between 6 and 8 PM for most babies, but bedtimes much earlier than that are usually indicative of a nap imbalance.
Troubleshooting and Solutions
Now that we know the main culprits, let’s delve deeper into actionable solutions:
- Adjusting Daytime Sleep for Under Tiredness
If you suspect under tiredness, re-evaluate your baby’s nap durations and wake times. Reducing nap times or ensuring the final nap ends earlier in the day might help. Use guides to determine if your baby is ready to drop a nap.
- Addressing Over Tiredness
Conversely, addressing over tiredness might involve lengthening nap times or bringing bedtime a bit earlier. Identify if your baby is experiencing elevated cortisol levels by their irritability and tendency to fuss. Tools like my blogs on breaking the overtired cycle can provide step-by-step interventions.
- Managing Developmental Progressions
Development-induced sleep regressions are common. During these times, maintaining a consistent bedtime routine and offering extra comfort can mitigate the disruption. Utilizing resources on navigating sleep regressions can make a significant impact.
- Breaking the Cycle of Short Naps and Early Bedtimes
For chronic short naps leading to early bedtimes, focus on strategies to extend nap durations. Tools like the Ultimate Nap Guide, which offer detailed schedules and techniques, can be invaluable for aligning your baby's sleep in a way that supports longer, consolidated night sleep.
Creating the Ideal Sleep Environment
A supportive sleep environment can further help in resolving split nights:
- Consistent Routine: Maintain regular nap and bedtime routines to anchor your baby’s sleep patterns.
- Sleep-Friendly Environment: Ensure the sleep space is dark, cool, and quiet. Consider using white noise if necessary.
- Gentle Sleep Training: For some, it might be useful to explore sleep teaching methods that encourage babies to self-soothe.
While split nights are challenging, understanding and addressing the underlying causes can make a significant difference in your family's sleep quality. By troubleshooting daytime sleep, managing overtiredness, supporting developmental progressions, and creating an optimal sleep environment, both you and your baby can find your way back to restful nights. Trust the process, apply the tips, and soon, your cozy little home will once again be filled with peaceful slumbers.
- FREE Sleep Regression Mini Course
- The Ultimate Nap Guide
- FREE Night Waking Guide
- Cozy Baby Sleep Links
- Free Sleep Help Resources
- Sleep Research Citations
These guides and courses provide further detailed strategies and examples to assist you on your baby's sleep journey.
Related Blog Posts:
- Breaking the Overtired Cycle
- Overtired vs. Undertired Babies (And What It Means for Their Sleep)
- When to Drop a Nap
- 5 Tips for Short Naps
Connect with Alice:
- Instagram - @cozybabysleep
- Facebook - @cozybabysleep
- TikTok - @cozybabysleep
- Cozy Baby Sleep Links
- Website - www.cozybabysleep.com
Have you ever stressed out over your baby or toddler's sleep? Are you tired of feeling like you are doing everything wrong?
Well you're in the right place. In this podcast you will not only learn tangible tips and tricks to help your little one sleep better, but also how to do it with balance and confidence in yourself as the parent.
Hi! I'm Alice, Mum of 2 and certified sleep consultant. My sleep philosophy revolves around safe, loving, and research based sleep techniques while also holding space for real life.
This is a zero judgment community of moms who want to get the best sleep for the whole family, in a way that makes them feel good!
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