Ep. 12 | Life Update, Sleep Regression, Changes in Preschool, 2-year-old Antics, & 2-Year-Old Sleep Schedule

podcast Jul 10, 2024
Cozy Baby Sleep
Ep. 12 | Life Update, Sleep Regression, Changes in Preschool, 2-year-old Antics, & 2-Year-Old Sleep Schedule


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Welcome back to Cozy Little Convos! Today, I'm stepping away from my usual sleep consultancy topics to share a bit of my life updates. Between the demands of my Instagram community and the real-life antics of my two-year-old, there's plenty to discuss. So, let's dive in!

Tackling Shoulder Pain with Professional Help

I've had a shoulder injury that's been quite a nuisance for a while now. Physical therapy, or physiotherapy as we call it back in England, has been my lifesaver. Though it might seem like simple stretches won't do much, it's been amazingly effective. Surprisingly, even my first-ever professional massage—thanks to a Mother’s Day gift from my husband—didn’t offer long-term relief like physiotherapy has. If you’re struggling with shoulder pain from constantly carrying your little ones, I highly recommend considering physiotherapy.

Realizing the Difference in Preschool Systems

We recently made the tough decision to pull my eldest daughter, Lily, out of her current preschool. As I’m from England, understanding the American school system, especially the transition between daycare and preschool, has been confusing. Although we loved her previous school, her naps there were disrupting her nighttime sleep. Whereas my youngest napped to my advantage, Lily’s late-night bedtimes were a struggle. Ultimately, I realized it was better to have her at home, especially given Isobel's dwindling nap times. 

Preschool Maze: Finding the Right Fit

When we first moved to the US, I had little understanding of the preschool system here. Daycares offer full-day programs, unlike the half-day preschools common in England. As Lily needed more stimulation while Isobel napped, I enrolled her in a nearby preschool based on my husband's work discount. Over time, Lily thrived but her naps at school became problematic as she grew older.

Switching to Home-Based Learning

With both girls at home this summer, I’m transitioning to a stay-at-home mom role. I'm exploring home preschool curriculums since I’m not naturally creative with activities. Many parents recommended the Busy Toddler’s preschool printouts on Instagram, so I’ll be trying those out. Our plan is to have Lily attend part-time preschool in the mornings post-summer, ensuring she gets the stimulation she needs without the nap disruptions.

Two-Year-Old Antics

Isobel has hit the adventurous toddler stage hard. She’s discovered hitting and biting—likely learned from experiences at the gym—something we're actively working on correcting. Her wild ways have been a reminder of how challenging but rewarding handling two young kids can be.

Handling Mischief and Medical Emergencies

We’ve had our fair share of scares with Isobel. From nearly chugging Tylenol to drinking my pre-workout, these incidents are terrifying, yet they happen in just a blink of an eye. Navigating these situations has been stressful but knowing she’s alright each time has been a relief. The silver lining is reflecting on how these chaotic times are fleeting milestones in her growing-up journey.

Mastering Sleep Schedules

Isobel’s sleep schedule has evolved as we moved through the notorious two-year sleep regression. After much trial and error, relocating her nap to later in the day and capping it at roughly two hours has done wonders. Despite the occasional off-night, her overall sleep quality has improved significantly. 

The Rewarding Results

Currently, Isobel’s day starts around 7:30 AM with a nap around 1 PM. I wake her up by 3 PM, ensuring she’s ready for bedtime between 7:15 PM to 7:45 PM. This consistency has brought harmony back to our evenings and nights. For those grappling with similar sleep struggles, hang in there—it gets better.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by motherhood’s relentless challenges, you aren’t alone. Just remember to seek and accept help where you can, whether that’s a trusted physiotherapist or encouraging words from a fellow mom. Reach out, share your experiences, and take solace in the community.



These guides and courses provide further detailed strategies and examples to assist you on your baby's sleep journey.


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Have you ever stressed out over your baby or toddler's sleep? Are you tired of feeling like you are doing everything wrong?

Well you're in the right place. In this podcast you will not only learn tangible tips and tricks to help your little one sleep better, but also how to do it with balance and confidence in yourself as the parent.

Hi! I'm Alice, Mum of 2 and certified sleep consultant. My sleep philosophy revolves around safe, loving, and research based sleep techniques while also holding space for real life.

This is a zero judgment community of moms who want to get the best sleep for the whole family, in a way that makes them feel good!

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