Ep. 7 | 2 Year Sleep Regression! My Experience and Tips to Help!
May 01, 2024
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Embarking on the journey of parenthood means facing a myriad of developmental milestones, and sleep regressions are the bold, underlined chapters that every parent reads—sometimes, bleary-eyed—in the story of growth. As you approach the 2-year mark, you may discover that even the smoothest of sleepers can suddenly hit turbulence. Welcome to the 2-year sleep regression. In this blog post, we unpack my experience and share practical tips to help you fly through this developmental storm and land peacefully back into slumber city.
Understanding the 2-Year Sleep Regression
Sleep regressions are the jet lag of toddlerhood, a natural response to their rapidly-evolving world. Between 21 to 25 months, your child might resist naps, wake up frequently at night, or battle bedtime with the ferocity of a tiny warrior. Fear not—this doesn't mean their sleep skills have vanished. This phase is their processing time, akin to our need to decompress after a long day. So, what is revving up their little engines at this stage? It could be teething, growth spurts, mental leaps, or the ever-so-intense separation anxiety. The key is to recognize the signs and to remember that this is a fleeting chapter.
Creating a Soothing Environment
Imagine their bedroom as the comforting cabin of an airplane, crafted for calmness. Whether their room is a literal closet or a dedicated nursery, ensure it's a haven of comfort. In my own experience, transitioning my toddler to sleep in our master closet was an innovative, space-saving move that worked wonders. Venting and safety measures are, of course, paramount in these cozy arrangements.
Tips to Soar Through Sleep Regression
- Quality Time Connection: Ensure your little one feels seen, heard, and comforted. Prioritize undistracted one-on-one time to reinforce their security belt.
- Routine Reinforcement: Maintain your sleep plan with consistent routines. Predictability is the autopilot that can guide your child back to restful nights.
- Adjust to Changes: Be attuned to their growth and needs, adjusting wake times, nap durations, and bedtimes accordingly. Sometimes, a slight tweak in schedule is all it's needed to smooth out the ride.
- Navigate Nightmares and Separation Anxiety: Equip your child with the tools to brave the occasional night storm of bad dreams and fear of separation. Be their co-pilot, reassuring them of your presence and protection.
- Return to the Routine: After sleep disturbances, guide your child back to the basics of their sleep training. You’ve landed here before; familiar terrain awaits.
Think of the 2-year sleep regression as an unavoidable detour on the path of parenting. With a blend of patience, love, and savvy navigation, you'll find tranquility again. These tales of midnight awakenings and nap time negotiations are shared experiences that unite us. So hold fast, dear listener and reader, for each day is an opportunity to manifest a smoother journey, and with these tips, you're already more than halfway there.
- Cozy Baby Sleep Links
- Free Sleep Help Resources
- Sleep Research Citations
- Nightmares and Night Terrors
- The Wake Time Vault
Connect with Alice:
- Instagram - @cozybabysleep
- Facebook - @cozybabysleep
- TikTok - @cozybabysleep
- Cozy Baby Sleep Links
- Website - www.cozybabysleep.com
Previous Blog Posts:
- 2. Practical Tips for Managing Separation Anxiety in Babies and Toddlers
- 6. Teething Pain & Baby Sleep: Remedies, bedtime specific tips, and realistic expectations
Have you ever stressed out over your baby or toddler's sleep? Are you tired of feeling like you are doing everything wrong?
Well you're in the right place. In this podcast you will not only learn tangible tips and tricks to help your little one sleep better, but also how to do it with balance and confidence in yourself as the parent.
Hi! I'm Alice, Mum of 2 and certified sleep consultant. My sleep philosophy revolves around safe, loving, and research based sleep techniques while also holding space for real life.
This is a zero judgment community of moms who want to get the best sleep for the whole family, in a way that makes them feel good!
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