Putting Your Baby to Sleep When They’re Sick
Jan 13, 2025
Did you know?
Newborns, babies, and toddlers get ON AVERAGE between 6-12 colds per year!! Compared to us adults, which average about 4 colds per year, that’s a lot! (These are just averages so don’t stress if it’s more or less…. but you get the idea.) It’s NORMAL for babies and toddlers to get colds and viruses often, and actually helps them avoid those same viruses when they’re older!
When my daughter was 18 months old, she got like 5 colds in a row and I was starting to get worried. I thought “this can’t be normal” and started doing my research to But apparently for many babies and toddlers…. it is. And the pediatrician confirmed it! It is a time they’re building up their little immune systems, and this number will drop as they get older.
So…. sick and poorly babies are inevitable (the saddest phrase ever), BUT there are lots of ways we can help them to still get the best sleep possible.
Let me begin by saying this is NOT by ANY means medical advice and I am not a medical doctor. You should ALWAYS consult your child’s healthcare provider immediately if you are concerned about your child’s health and follow your health care provider’s plan. This blog merely provides tips and tricks to encourage sleep when your little one is sick or unwell.
But let’s start with the obvious.....
Don't ever feel worried about "messing up" their sleep when they are poorly! As long as you follow these tips, you can get right back on track as soon as they're healthy again!
Sleep is one of the best medicines, so here are a few things you can do to help them rest and recover ⬇
Tip #1
Follow wake windows, but more importantly watch for sleepy cues. They may not last as long as usual, that's ok! Learn more about wake windows and sleepy cues here!
Tip #2
Make sure they nap well. If you can, hold them or cuddle them to get long naps when possible. If they sleep longer than usual, that's ok, let them sleep. They most likely need it!
Tip #3
Put them to bed early! This will prevent any over-tiredness that will make it difficult for them to fall asleep and stay asleep. Don’t be afraid of a 6 PM bedtime. It can be EXACTLY what they need when they are poorly or recovering from illness. Use your gut and follow their cues.
Tip #4
Comfort and cuddle as much as needed during any night wakings. Offer feedings to keep hydrated if they wake at night. Even if they have dropped night feedings for several weeks or months… It is SO important to make sure they’re getting enough water! This is not a “bad habit,” I promise!
Tip #5
If your little one is congested from a cold, during or after bath time try making a little sauna of warm steam. This can really help loosen up any mucus that may be making it harder for them to breathe through their little noses.
Tip #6
If you haven’t already, I highly suggest getting yourself a Frida Baby Snot Sucker. Yes, you read that right. Sounds so gross (and it kind of is), but it is such an effective way to get all that grossness out of their noses. After your little bath sauna, use a few drops of baby safe saline in their noses before using the snot sucker to clear it out.
Here is a disclaimer: They will likely hate it. And it is the worst!!! But it only lasts a few seconds and it can help clear them out SO MUCH! If you want to purchase a Frida Baby Snot Sucker, you can find them at Walmart, Target, and here on Amazon.
Tip #7
Try running a humidifier in their bedroom overnight! This can be especially helpful in the winter or if you live in a dry climate. This is the humidifier we use. We have one that doesn't make all that white dust everywhere, but you can find cheaper ones at Walmart, Target and of course Amazon.
Tip #8
Finally…. As soon as they are feeling 100%, go right back to your typical routine right away. Try not to delay this or it will be harder to get back on track!
Tip #9
Lay them down awake for bedtime as you previously have done, follow your daily nap schedule/wake windows, and go back to the basics. It may take a few days, or they might catch right on! The key is to be consistent once they are feeling better! Consistency equals safety, security, and that is the true secret to great baby sleep.
During travels and sickness, of course things change, but the best thing you can do is get right back on it!
Don’t worry, I’m here for you and I have a wealth of knowledge and resources to share! As a sleep consultant, I specialize in supporting families who are struggling with sleepless nights and disrupted sleep schedules due to their infant or toddler's sleeping patterns (and of course that includes getting sick). I understand the challenges of constantly waking up every few hours and I want to help you go from surviving to thriving! My goal is to help your baby or toddler sleep soundly for 11-13 hours straight (with age-appropriate feedings included), allowing your WHOLE family to enjoy the benefits of a full night's sleep.
Whether you have a newborn, baby or a toddler, I have an affordable program to help you!
Just click your baby’s age below to get started right now:
- Newborn Sleep Course (and PDF Guide)
0-3 months - Baby Sleep Course (and PDF Downloads)
4-24 months - Toddler Sleep Guide
2-4 years
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