When (and How) to Transition Out of Using a Swaddle
Jun 14, 2022
Swaddling is a wonderful tool for newborns to bring them back to that womb environment they so crave during the fourth trimester, but in just a couple of months, their bodies will start moving properly, and it will be time to get out of the swaddle.
I know what you’re thinking!
I know, I know. It can seem devastating to stop what is working, but don’t worry, they WILL adapt, I promise! Next thing you know they’ll be rolling all over the crib enjoying themselves and you’ll be happy you did it!
If your baby is showing ANY signs of rolling, or they are older than 12 weeks old ish. You want to move from the swaddle right away.
Signs of rolling include:
- Rolling onto their shoulders or side
- Lifting their head and shoulders more often during tummy time
- Rolling hips from side to side using their legs
- Moving in circles by kicking their legs when on their backs
There are a couple of ways to transition out of the swaddle, depending on how much time you have, but let’s talk through your options below.
How To Transition Out of the Swaddle
If your baby is already rolling, or even just showing signs of rolling, it’s time to throw that swaddle out. You can either go straight into an open arms sleep sack, OR you can use a transition product such as the Zipadee Zip. This transitional product can be helpful for baby’s who have a strong Moro or startle reflex, meaning that they often jerk themselves awake. The Zipadee Zip is TOTALLY safe for rolling and provides them lots of room to grow, but it also contains their arms a little, helping them to feel snug and secure.
I personally used the Zipadee Zip for both my daughters from when they were 11-12 weeks until she was 6 months old (when we moved her to an open arm sleep sack). However, they come in sizes all the way up to toddlerhood, so there is no need to transition again if you prefer, yay!
This transition can be tough. If they were already sleeping pretty well, it is typical to see a regression for a week or so, with lots of wake ups throughout the night as they get used to their new found freedom. Remember, this is a huge sensory change, so give them some grace during the transition, and comfort them as needed between sleep cycles.
This is only really an option for those whose babies are showing no signs of rolling at all, but they are old enough to get out of the swaddle and start exploring their bodies more!
You can start but still swaddling but keeping one arm out! Change arms between feedings and night and between naps! You want to make sure it’s not the same arm for every sleep. After you have done this for a few days and they are getting used to the extra freedom, swaddle them UNDERNEATH their arms with BOTH arms out.
This provides them a snug feeling they are used to around their chest, but still gives them their arms to protect them if they do roll over when they are asleep. After a few more days of this, go ahead and move into an open arm sleep sack (or the Zipadee zip).
With open arm sleep sacks, you don’t need anything special or expensive! Any of the open arm sleep sacks will do great, but I do personally love and recommend Kyte Baby and Halo Sleep.
Similar to the cold turkey option. This can take a few weeks for them to adjust. Give them some grace during this difficult transition! It’s a lot to take in. Provide comfort as needed, but try to keep with your normal routine. Don’t stress, your good little sleeper will be back on track in no time!
Other Helpful Tips for Managing the Swaddle Transition
Practice your tummy time as much as possible, continue with your daily nap and bedtime routines, and try to practice laying your baby down for sleep when you can. Continuing with these routines will help them to feel safe and secure as well as get them back on track in good time.
If your baby has NEVER been a good sleeper, I promise it’s not always going to be this way! They WANT to sleep so much, but they just don’t know how to yet. If you would like help teaching them, I’m here to help.
In the meantime…
Practice your tummy time as much as possible, continue with your daily nap and bedtime routines, and try to practice laying your baby down for sleep when you can. Continuing with these routines will help them to feel safe and secure as well as get them back on a track in good time.
If your baby has NEVER been a good sleeper, I promise it’s not always going to be this way! They WANT to sleep so much, but they just don’t know how to yet. If you would like help teaching them, I’m here to help.
Take the Baby Sleep Course!

When your baby is showing signs of rolling, or older than 12 weeks, you want them out of that swaddle right away!
You can do this cold turkey into an open arm sleep sack!
You can use a transition product such as the Zipadee Zip
Or you can gradually do this over a couple of weeks by having them swaddled 1 arm out, and then both arms out before moving to an open arm sleep sack.
Continue with your normal routines as much as possible!
And that’s it! You’ve got this. The sleep regression won’t last long!
I have a lot of resources for you! Depending on your individual needs and your budget... I have something to help you!
If you’re ready to get started RIGHT NOW…….I have a variety of self-led sleep guides and courses that walk you through step-by-step plans for teaching your child to sleep, using methods that are totally safe, loving, and research based. I’ll show you what to do at bedtime, how to handle every situation, and how to help your baby/toddler sleep through the night!
If you need more help and you want someone to show you EXACTLY what to do, the Cozy Baby Sleep Course is a step-by-step program designed to teach you how to teach your baby to fall asleep on their own and sleep all night long. With personalized sleep plans, guidance on building a solid sleep foundation and creating a consistent sleep routine, the Cozy Baby Sleep Course can help you and your baby get the restful sleep you deserve.
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